
1251 eric schmidt does not care about ukraine

i honestly do not think
that people
like eric schmidt
care about ukraine.

these people always wanted
to make killer drones
or some other crazy scary
murder machine.

they just waited
for the right excuse
and media atmosphere
to express themselves.

1011 generalization murders children

in russia vs ukraine war
one child was murdered
every day

journalists love wars

i have spent dozens of hours
watching ukraine war reports
and i have not heard one single journalist
say anything against the war

they are all trying
to get me to be against one and for the other side –
both being useless abstract political narratives
in which real people are only numbers

the lack of essential human compassion in journalism
is the same since the gulf war
which is when i was first disgusted
by their love of war

just imagine
if all that journalism energy was directed towards
building a better world with cooperative innovation
instead of racism

we are all separatists

there would be no ungabunga if it was better to be gungamunga
there would be no athens if it was better to be greek
there would be no greece if it was better to be a persian
there would be no byzantium if it was better to be a roman
there would be no usa if it was better to be british
there would be no serbia if it was better to be ottoman
there would be no padania if it was better to be italian
there would be no taiwan if it was better to be chinese
there would be no kosovo if it was better to be serbian
there would be no uk if it was better to be european
there would be no donbas if it was better to be ukrainian
there would be no ukraine if it was better to be russian
there would be no russia if it was better to be icelandic
there would be no iceland if it was better to be brazilian
there would be no countries if it was better to be a citizen of ia48x

future of the forgotten ukraine

in the year 2024
ukraine is a zombie state
under putin’s control
long forgotten
by the social media warriors.

in the year 2030
ukraine has been detached
from the metaverse
and its resistance movement
has been poisoned by plutonium.

in the year 2096
ukraine has been liberated
when Putin’s grandson was overthrown
and can finally adopt
flying cars and villas on mars.

ukraine vs russia

on 11 september 2001 i was in treviso
and i emailed everyone:
today people who want war won
and people who do not want war lost.

although i was in my early 20s
i was able to feel this
because i spent the previous decade
in constant war.

people around me
who did not have the same experiences as me
understood the language of my email
but did not feel it.

half a life later
media and politicians are
still peddling the same old war shit
but now i just feel lucky i will only watch it on youtube.