
1170 it happened! v3

and just like that
i am now
a fat guy
who gives advice to
skinny people

876 sexual education poem 5

fat and dirty people
enjoy sex more
than clean and fit people.
i tried both
but i could be wrong.

amazing beauty

i experienced a moment
of unbelievable beauty
for only a nanosecond.
i was fat and in my bed,
the room was dark
and i moved the playstation controller
up and down
and it casted a shadow
on the wall
which i saw in the mirror.
some people never experience
such beauty
in their entire life.

life is not what i expected

all i wanted from life
was to sleep most of the day
eat ton of cakes and not get fat

and then comes all this stuff
with people getting sick
dieing and fighting


i just wrote this title out of the blue
and have no idea what this poem will be about
nor i know much about cocoabutter
apart that its probably mostly fat