
1307 analysis of the USA political crisis

truth is an asset, just like real estate,
in a representative democracy

representative democracy duopoly
divides all the truth
between the two ruling parties.

each party invests all energy
to discredit the truth
owned by the other party.

this results in both parties spending
all their resources
on denying all the truth.

this is how a society stops
to be based in truth
and starts to be based in power.

the only way to save this society
is to innovate democracy
to use, not deny the truth.

1221 career advice 1

there are two types of people:
those who believe
only few are ubermensch
and everyone else
is not and never will be,
and those who believe
everyone is or will be
an ubermensch.

never work for the first type.
give everything you can
to the second type.

1005 socialism and capitalism

capitalists accepted socialism.
socialists accepted capitalism.

so it is time to stop pretending
these two are exclusive
and start using them as they are:

only two of thousands
of specific solutions
each needed to solve
a specific problem.

reject idiotic divisive simplifications.
accept empowering complexity.

855 two types of people

when will i die?
how will i die?

695 i am still not sure

after two decades
of writing poems
i am still not sure
if i should write numbers
as digits or words

when read silently
the brain hears numbers
in both cases
the same way

it is easier to read digits
but maybe not so pretty

miltos is a villain

miltos is a level three villain
in the art video game.
you need to beat him
to reach level four.
there are seventy six levels.
i am still at level two.
rafael is level forty two.
my kids are level one.

t j flynn part two

where is t j flynn?
is he in canada?
is he in paraguay?
is he somewhere
in the middle?
to be or not to be
question is now

two word words
