
1315 trust issues

i am confused.
why is my dentist
always asking me
about my sex life?
what does my sex life
have to do with my dental care?
and why does he need
such level of detail?
he wants me to describe the smells!
is this a standard procedure?
can someone explain this?
thank you.

1261 i am funny. not

i am actually
completely able
to consistently make
my friends laugh
which makes me
a funny person.

you should trust me
even though, usually,
i am the opposite of funny.

1192 smart phones and social media are awesome

smart phones and social media
are the most wonderful innovations
that feed our need to connect and learn.

yes, the content is not so good now
but have trust our talents and our work
and give us time. we will make it great.

1078 shitty art is ok, not art is not ok

i know it is cooler to make art
than doing most other jobs
but still, please, make sure
that what you make is real art.

since we do not know
what exactly is real art
there is a chance
that in all the hype
you tricked yourself into believing
that what you make is real art.

i will help you
figure out what real art is
but you will have to trust me.
email me at

973 pay least taxes possible

how much can we trust governments
which only a generation ago
were coercively sterilizing mothers,
and we know it takes a generation
to uncover a horror like that,
and there has not been a generation
which has not uncovered a horror?

824 tradition explained

tradition is when
kids are smart enough to know
when to trust their parents

764 crypto assets global conspiracy

crypto assets
is a global conspiracy
by people who do do not trust
anyone but each other
to move the value
of the crypto assets up and down
so they can survive in a world
accidentally designed to kill them.

758 learning and trust struggle

first i learned that depression is an illness,
then i learned that there are antidepressants,
then i learned that antidepressants are tested using a rat forced swim test,
then i learned that a rat forced swim test might be wrong,
and i am still curious but confused
looking forward to what i will learn next,
and i still trust doctors i find on google.

ps. i am not depressed.
i am just using depression as an example of learning and trust.

bart sibrel

i know why
bart sibrel
lost his trust
in space exploration
and i am
sorry about it


if i tell you, you will be defensive.
if you ask me, i will not trust you.

we need to find a way
where communication happens
in absolute equality.

otherwise we will be
in a neverending defense distrust loop.

i am very sorry, ryder ripps

i am not sorry, ryder ripps, for calling you a racist.
it was a provocation
within a context of calling everyone racist.

racism is a disease which must be treated
and racists are not evil monsters to be killed
but people in need of our help.

you have picked the biggest fight
but you became a ptsd paranoid mega intense warrior
believing that you can fix the whole world by yourself.

chill down a bit and trust me:
i am here to help you,
not hurt you.