
969 global art production stats 2024

54 % of art is made by kids
36 % of art is made by retired people
17 % of art is made as a form of therapy
12 % of art is made as interior decoration
0.3 % of art is made as commercial promotion
0.1 % of art is made as asset allocation
0.03 % of art is made as tool for social change

946 understanding money

money is an invention
that facilitated
universal and unlimited
collaboration between
all people.

it is not a goal
but a tool for us
to work together.

819 you do not care about money

never forget that
you do not care about money
and you only use it as a tool

money is not an ideology

i love money.
it is a great invention.
it is easy to carry and count.
much better than chickens, pigs, and rocks.

but it is not more than a tool.
some people get carried away
that it is an idea, a goal, a purpose,
but these people are idiots.