
1159 not everything is math

scientists and engineers
should stop making fun of
religion, philosophy, art
because without those three
science and engineering
would never exist.

religion, philosophy, art
are easy targets
they appear as nonsense
to anyone using math.
math simply does not allow
this kind of weird thinking.

1005 socialism and capitalism

capitalists accepted socialism.
socialists accepted capitalism.

so it is time to stop pretending
these two are exclusive
and start using them as they are:

only two of thousands
of specific solutions
each needed to solve
a specific problem.

reject idiotic divisive simplifications.
accept empowering complexity.

997 poetry is shit

writing poetry is like taking a shit.
if you are not ready you can not force it.
if you have diarrhea you can not stop it.

968 wisdom tutorial 5

ideologies and religions
allow us
to share perspectives
with billions of people
building our collective.

but they stop being useful
if they are monopolizing
our consciousness
by trying to be more than
just one of many perspectives.

879 sexual education poem 6

being just a bit scared of sex
is healthy.
when you stop being scared
you will start having bad sex
or even not have sex anymore.

760 i will not react anymore

on 14:40 wednesday 10 august 2022
i will completely stop reacting
and will operate using only
my own independent thought

maybe stop forcing things to be more?

facebook is a perfect family social media
but it is ruined because they force it to be more

coca cola is a perfect sports drink
but it is ruined because they force it to be more

marlboro is a perfect cigarette for men to enjoy sometimes
but it is ruined because they force it to be more

art is a perfect way to connect and learn
but it is ruined because they force it to be more

mcdonalds is a perfect affordable family restaurant
but it is ruined because they force it to be more

i am 44 years old

i am at the age when
i can say that
i am at the half of my life
but i am closer to the age
when i have to stop
saying that
unless i am in lotr.

ale bodo

go back to work
stop fucking around