
935 kamikaze design

i have reached
the ninth level of design –
the kamikaze level –
designing products
which can change the world
but do not change it
and instead change few people
who might design products
which change the world.

i can still reach
the tenth level of design,
the god level –
designing products
which change the world.

851 developing consciousness 1

we should automate
boring physical activities
to have more time for
higher level thinking

we should not automate
higher level thinking
to have more time for
boring physical activities

795 secrets in our language

the languages we speak
already contain everything we need
to unlock the next level reality

artist levels

artists are leveled
by what happens
when they die:

level one – millions are sad.
level two – thousands are happy.
level three – hundreds are sad.
level four – no one cares.

miltos is a villain

miltos is a level three villain
in the art video game.
you need to beat him
to reach level four.
there are seventy six levels.
i am still at level two.
rafael is level forty two.
my kids are level one.