
1292 product designers to the rescue

the world is not changed
by books, entertainment, and politics.
it is changed by products.

product designers give everyone
access to the best science and ideas
by designing products that share them.

this is even more important today
when the best science and ideas
are often ignored and hidden.

only the product designers
can save this world.

1089 lonely ideas

ideas that are alone
get very sad and stupid
because they have
no other ideas to
play or fight with

1015 99 % of energy

we spend
99 % of our energy
on figuring out
how to put ideas
into words

1014 superstition

the greatest superstition
is to believe that
idiotic ideas are somehow
magically and automatically eliminated
and that bad ideas
never ruin our short lives
and that we are completely
influenced by the best ideas

974 the lost west

long long time ago
the west was an idea
which absorbs all other ideas
making everything better.

the west is an idea
in conflict with all other ideas
making everything worse.

959 simple history of big ideas

buddhism: try not to care
hedonism: let’s just have fun
stoicism: do what you can
christianity: say you are sorry, but mean it
capitalism: how much is it?
anarchism: don’t force me!
marxism: the boss should share more
nihilism: don’t waste time
modernism: everything is science
postmodernism: leave them alone!
metamodernism: all ideas are ok

949 wisdom tutorial 1

writing short poems
like this one
every day
increases your wisdom
because it captures
cloudy ideas
into language

922 globalization

globalization was created
to help the world develop
using the universal language
of money.

but without
a good idea behind it
it just ended up funding
a lot of really bad ideas.

metaphor and irony

metaphor and irony
lived together
in perfect harmony

allows us to overcome
the limitations of language
by connecting directly
to primordial ideas

allows us to overcome
the limitations of language
by enabling unavoidable
duality of our minds

919 talk about ideas only

it is possible
to talk about ideas only
without referring to
products, brands, and celebrities.
try it now!

885 real estate effect

it is almost impossible to
make money from houses
and make money from ideas

866 choose ye that you need?

is he a crazy person
ranting nonsense
for absolutely no reason?

is he a genius
trying to liberate us
from oppressive divisive ideas
sacrificing himself
through extreme provocation?

is he a desperate person
trying to liberate
his and our mind
from programmed
idiotic stereotypes?

is he all of the above?

856 ideas and products

ideas are great
products change the world

848 metamodernism on complexity

complexity of human society
is exponentially increasing
forcing old ideas to merge

847 usa failure

usa has failed
to create universal ideas
that truly unite all humans

752 my visual art

few times in my life
i made visual art
and it was fun and beautiful
but it was too slow and too much hard work.

i chose to write poetry
because it is fast and easy
and i can often change my mind
and go through hundreds of ideas.

but finally i have found
a way to make visual art
and not be bored by the hard work.
i hope it works out.

visual art is cool
and my kids might like it
more than my poetry.
and i will meet new people.

724 philosophers are liars

the only thing philosophers want
is to have hundred million views on youtube
and that their book sells millions of copies.

they compete to own ideas
just like mcdonalds competes
to own the solution for a fast and a cheap meal.

to them ideas are products
to be branded with their names
and not the next step of consciousness and freedom.

they want to be far away from the stupid people
in hope to meet celebrities
and become a celebrity.

their argument is
that they use the system to change the system
but obviously they only change their bank accounts.

by becoming commercial bitches
they have ruined any remaining credibility philosophy had
and have left humanity in the mud of manufactured idiocy.

this is very different
from the responsibility we gave them:
to make the world better for us.

710 i want to be a visual artist

i always wanted to be a visual artist
but i was never able to be one
because i have way to many ideas all the time.

i want to test all my ideas very quickly
so i can find the next one
as fast as possible.

visual art is very technical and slow to make
and i can not do my research into the unknown
as fast i want to.

poetry is still too slow
even though
i removed all the style and grammar requirements.

ideal art format for me
would be if someone
plugged in my consciousness directly.

everything else is just so frustrating
and so many amazing ideas are lost.
the need for speed is my technical limitation.

how to make democracy work

for democracy to really work
we must return to how we used to live
hundred thousand years ago
when we loved people more than ideas
so when we get upset
we chose people over ideas
instead of choosing ideas over people
because ideas are stupid anyway.


i am 44
and every day
i am discovering ideas
which excite me very much.
i will probably discover ideas
for another 40 years
which is even more exciting.
i can not wait to see which idea
i discover on my last day
and i hope i can share it.
i also am eager to enjoy
the whole process until then.


for my whole life
i have been searching for a purpose.
i did not like any of the old ideas,
they seemed superficial and weak,
so i came up with ia48x.

ia48x is a future country
which includes everyone in the world,
in which everyone is equal,
and everyone works to reach immortality.

equality and immortality are
the only true goals we can have
and the only way for us
to fulfill our potential.

if you adopt ia48x as your purpose
you will help bring us all
closer to it.

visit for more.

let’s fix it

moving ideas away from each other make people stupid.
this is why i will try to
bring christianity, philosophy, and science
closer together in a single poem:
christianity, like any religion,
is our message to us
which represents eternal questions
which we must answer
so our consciousness mixes
with other consciousnesses in the universe
so together we outlive the universe.
we will reach heaven when
our consciousness wins over our impulses
and forgiveness is an exercise
in our path to heaven.
god is future us and
soul is our consciousness.
the main differences are mainly in terminology.
i hope this makes everything better now.


i live with constant guilt
for forgetting
all the great ideas i had
while taking a shower
and that i deprived humanity
of these great ideas
due to my inability to
memorize while showering.
i am so sorry.
please forgive me.