
1312 history of power

long long time ago power was
for everyone.

for many millennia power was
for the few only.

the last century or so power was
for the majorities.

the last few decades power was
for the minorities.

in the future power will be
again for everyone.

701 manufacturing

i am trying to avoid
socially and politically critical poems
but i just can not resist writing this one.

human race is able
to industrially manufacture anything
using factories and mass media.

we can manufacture any type of a person,
like an elite athlete or a murdering soldier,
but we are somehow running out of critical thinkers.

we could easily manufacture critical thinkers.
that knowledge exists for a century
and it is easier than manufacturing murdering soldiers.

but living on a planet full of critical thinkers
is to complex for us to imagine
so we are afraid of doing it.

but a planet full of stupid obedient people
appears safer and more comforting
no matter what kind of a mess they make.

21st century philosophy

20th century
was the pinnacle
of idiotic extreme ideologies
which divided people
as much as possible

in the 21st century
anyone not working
to remove these imaginary divisions
by creating unifying ideologies
is seriously outdated