call me

1316 i will be in los angeles

i will be in los angeles
from 25th april until 4th may

i would love to meet you
and eat good food
and do a poetry reading

please message me at

1298 an interesting interest

sometimes i wonder
how famous and powerful wipe their asses.
do they do it the same way i do?
they must!
long gone are the days
when they hired people to wipe their asses.
enlightenment ended that job opportunity.
do they use wet wipes?
are they special expensive wet wipes?
do they stick their finger a little bit inside
to scoop it up?
or do they just gently fly over?
if you are famous and powerful
please call me to tell me
how you wipe your ass.
my phone is +38163268906.

1293 do you still believe

do you still believe
advertising, news, politics,
and that products are made
by people who care about you?
if you do, please call me
at +38163268906.

1204 japanese miniaturizing conspiracy

rafael’s lenticulars
are usually 67 centimeters tall.

rafael recently shared a photo
in which he is in japan
and he is smaller than his lenticular.

i am worried that the japanese
miniaturized rafael.

can someone please explain this.
is rafael ok? call me at +38163268906!
this is one of the best poems ever.

1198 i love the real war

i love the real war
the way it was thousands of years ago
when we fought for food and survival
and it was absolutely impossible
to reason with the enemy
and only the smartest won.

what you call war today is not war.
it is a fake mass media bullshit
built with incomplete idiotic ideologies
feeding on the weak and stupid.

when there is a real war – call me.
do not bother me over this new bullshit thing.

1100 i am in thessaloniki, again

i am in thessaloniki this weekend,
so please call me to hang out.
i will pay your cheap drinks.
my number is +38163268906.
we love meeting new people.
virgins with high iron blood preferred.

1081 are you a messiah?

are you a messiah?
if you you are call me
at +38163268906.
if you convince me
i will help you.

700 belgrade clouds

recently i started
looking at clouds
from time to time.

and i have noticed
that belgrade has
good looking clouds.

it could be
an undiscovered
tourism feature.

everyone is welcome
to visit me in belgrade
to watch the local clouds.

call me at +38163268906.