
1270 virtual thinking

when we are far
from doing things with hands
or people who do things with hands
then we start having
crazy virtual impractical ideas
which can easily kill billions

1154 my life mission

i know exactly
what my life mission is:
it is to save billions of people
from stupidity.
i just did not figure out
how to do it… yet.

1010 iq score is racist

iq scores generalize us
with a single insignificant trait
similar to skin color, age, nationality.

we need to stop
classifying billions of people
using reductive binary tests.

we need to accept
that every human is a genius
from whom we can all learn.

968 wisdom tutorial 5

ideologies and religions
allow us
to share perspectives
with billions of people
building our collective.

but they stop being useful
if they are monopolizing
our consciousness
by trying to be more than
just one of many perspectives.

708 future of media

mass media is
few people telling millions of people
how things will be

social media is
few more people telling thousands of people
how things will be

future media will be
billions of people listening to billions of people
how things will be

putins and xis are the west

putins and xis are important parts of the west
and not alien evils.

the west should consider them as its product
and valuable customer feedback.

putins and xis are just like cancer:
a predictable reaction to centuries of racism and bullshit.

the west, which lied for decades about climate crisis
has no choice but to create putins and xis every few decades.

the west is simply not valuable enough
to billions of people who choose alternatives.

to win against putins and xis the west should ask everyone
what they want and then actually do that.

thank you kanye west

kanye west spent
billions of dollars
millions of hours
thousands of people
only to move us forward
by less than a single percent.
thank you kanye
but we need more kanye.
do not stop!