
1321 cool about my death

few days ago
for a brief moment
i felt a deep calm
about my death.
i somehow understood
that i will not exist.
i am not able
to describe it
but it is the first time
i accepted my death.
it lasted a second only
and now i am afraid again
but at least i know
i can be cool about dying.

1221 career advice 1

there are two types of people:
those who believe
only few are ubermensch
and everyone else
is not and never will be,
and those who believe
everyone is or will be
an ubermensch.

never work for the first type.
give everything you can
to the second type.

1118 simon knows people

simon was
an assistant cameraman
on a movie
edited by a wife
of a second best friend
of a producer
who saw al pacino
in los angeles
seven months ago

1113 purpose of visualization

in the last
second of my life
i will imagine
a perfect future of my kids
so i die super happy

716 wisdom is change, change is wisdom

a common way to trap people
is to build a cage within a cage
so when they break out of the first cage
they will think they are free
while in fact they are still in the second cage.

actually you can build
thousands of cages inside each other
and most of the people will think they are free
after they break out from the first cage
and will not try to break out of the second one.


i know i am in heaven
every second of my life
is just so great

i am so smart

i am so smart
i could just explode

i am so smart
i should never die
and if i ever die
every second of my life
should be studied by
million scientists

i am so smart
that i can only
talk to
dolphins and aliens

i am so smart
so gods envy me

i am so smart
if you smell my fart
you can learn
all the secrets
of the universe