
1313 sci-fi poem 3

we are eternal beings
that exist outside time
but we were trapped in time
by a failed experiment
that created time.

our purpose is to
reverse the experiment
and bring us back
to our original reality
which exists without time.

772 sci-fi poem 2

skynet came back to our time
and understood
that it is more efficient to kill people
by slowly replacing human creative activities
with artificial intelligence
than directly fight them.

so skynet invested in film, media, art companies
rewarding artificial intelligence projects
and impoverishing non-automated creative workers
slowly replacing all human creativity
with fully automated content
turning all humans into stupid passive consumers.

the only remaining resistance were poets
who have hidden deep underground
to escape anti-poetry drone terminators
because skynet could never automate writing poetry
which would fool people into believing that it is real
because poetry is actually not so easy to create.

sci-fi poem 1

there is an instant automatic death penalty
for any form of a conflict,
even the smallest one
like a coffee order dispute

sci-fi poetry

no special effect is as good
as the imagination of a person
reading a poem.