
1275 shabalozia is free!

is finally a free country.
they are free
from the oppression
from gumuzia!

1253 free palestine and israel

free palestine and israel
from the bloodthirsty assholes
who jerk off
to having unlimited power
over lives of other humans

1183 israel vs palestine again

israel vs palestine
is a result of a false belief
that people can be only one thing:
israeli jew or a palestinian muslim.

it is a belief that that we can not be
thousand things at the same time,
that israeli jewish palestinian muslim
is impossible.

as soon as we understand
that we are capable of being many things,
we will be free,
we will be superhuman.

1124 all i need is 20 minutes

if i just had
20 minutes of free time
i could
mentally prepare for death.

but i do not have
20 minutes of free time
so i live
in constant fear of death.

991 the new censorship

the truth can be found
in a long hard to read text
behind a paywall.

finding the truth
requires more money and time
than most people have.

if the truth is not
simple, fast, and free,
then it is hidden.

we never had more truth
closer to us
but out of our reach.

898 evolution of freedom

long long time ago
freedom meant
ending slavery.

today, it means
you are free
to smoke and drink soda.

897 embrace your freedom

you are free to be stupid
you are free to be alone
you are free to kill yourself

783 my art is still free

in my madness
my art is still free
from being part of anything
except me

770 how to be free

no individual is free
if they are in a group.

if you want to be free
leave all groups.

738 free yourself from everything

i would like to write a poem
which can free all of us from all pressures
and help us transcend the human condition

722 cringe

in order to be fully free
it is necessary to go beyond the cringe
and to do that we need to reach maximum cringe.
irony does not work as good as cringe.
real wisdom is beyond cringe.

716 wisdom is change, change is wisdom

a common way to trap people
is to build a cage within a cage
so when they break out of the first cage
they will think they are free
while in fact they are still in the second cage.

actually you can build
thousands of cages inside each other
and most of the people will think they are free
after they break out from the first cage
and will not try to break out of the second one.

a free year of life

this morning
while taking a shower
i forgot how old i was.

as soon as i got out
i asked irena if i was
fourty four or fourty five years old.

she told me i was forty four years old.
i was very happy because
i won a free year of life.

paradox 2

freedom fighters
who do not allow
free discussion