
living with a partner

i am not good with dental hygene
my three minutes three times a day
are actually one minute twice a day
but somehow
every time I start brushing my teeth
my partner rushes in
and sits on the toilet saying:
“i really have to!”
every single time!
i miss brushing my teeth without
the fart echo behind me.
is it too much to ask that
taste and smell senses match.

wildest sex

my wildest sex experience
was sex on a beach
all thirty of us were covered
with fly bear blood
and instead of cumshots
we had laser beams
that burned through the planet
and straight to another universe
and the sound of this massive shag
was so strong
that it went back in time
and altered history
and the air smelled so good
that everybody who smelled it
died instantly
it was very good sex