
812 say no to the russian draft

to escape the russian draft
you can stay with us in belgrade.
call me at +38163268906

русским борцам за свободу

не переставай бороться за свободу
никто другой не даст его вам
если вы остановите детей, ваши дети будут рабами
служение детям детей ваших угнетателей
лучше избавиться от этого дерьма сейчас
или тебе будет комфортно быть рабом
если ты выиграешь, тебя полюбят все в мире
если вы останетесь рабами, никто не будет заботиться о вас
удачи и иди делай беспорядок

we are all separatists

there would be no ungabunga if it was better to be gungamunga
there would be no athens if it was better to be greek
there would be no greece if it was better to be a persian
there would be no byzantium if it was better to be a roman
there would be no usa if it was better to be british
there would be no serbia if it was better to be ottoman
there would be no padania if it was better to be italian
there would be no taiwan if it was better to be chinese
there would be no kosovo if it was better to be serbian
there would be no uk if it was better to be european
there would be no donbas if it was better to be ukrainian
there would be no ukraine if it was better to be russian
there would be no russia if it was better to be icelandic
there would be no iceland if it was better to be brazilian
there would be no countries if it was better to be a citizen of ia48x