
1269 school shootings and climate crisis

use school shootings
and climate crisis
to promote themselves
which means
these problems will
never be solved.

scientists would solve
both of these problems
over a weekend.

1262 tucker putin interview

again we are tricked
into being passive observers
of a fake fight between politicians.

as long as we believe
one is bad and other is good
we will be their bitches.

they stage fake fights (like wwe)
to appear important and necessary
while fucking up everything else.

all politicians are bad
because they are not innovating
how to give us more power.

instead they only innovate
how to gain more power
with media, division, and war.

1226 accidents do not repeat

all politicians dream
of managing foreign policy
because this is one thing
where little people
can not tell them what to do.

all foreign policy
always ends up killing children.
not one or two,
but hundreds and thousands,
and tens of thousands of children.

and there is zero money
invested in advancing democracy
but there are trillions invested
in weapons that always end up
killing children.

1215 politicians

how many more children
do we need to kill
to prove
that outsourcing
collective decision making
to few elected politicians
is not a good idea

1212 how to make the world better

do not let politicians tell you
what is good and bad.
do not let companies tell you
what is good and bad.
do not let media tell you
what is good and bad.
do not let books tell you
what is good and bad.

the only way to agree
with everyone else
is for everyone else
to follow their own wisdom
and all those individual wisdoms
will end up being the same.

trouble starts
when we try to convince others
to follow our wisdom.
there has never been proof
that this actually works.

1197 the truth about politicians

when politicians argue
with each other
their only goal is
not to win an argument,
but to prolong the illusion
that we need them.

774 efficiency is not a value

if doctors become more efficient
they start to hate patients

if politicians become more efficient
they start to hate citizens

if teachers become more efficient
they start to hate students

if artists become more efficient
they start to hate people

if designers become more efficient
they start to hate beauty

the truth about the world war two

the winner of the world war two is the evil
and the loser is the good,
same as in every war before.

it was not a war between countries
as the history books
want us to believe.

it was a war between
the politicians – the evil,
and the common people – the good.

and the common people
got fucked over, like in every war,
while the psychopath politicians had fun.

politicians are incompetent

experts chased away politicians
from most of the important things like
medicine, science, engineering, innovation,
and the world got much better

politicians still found few issues to dominate
like climate crisis and foreign policy
and because of that we might all die soon

we are still in the dark ages

long time ago
doctors could not
cure diseases
by dissecting corpses
priests said no

poets can not
prevent war
by dissecting power
politicians say no

country defined

country is not
a nation
a language
a culture

country is
a set of rules
applied within borders
defined by politicians

morality simplified

mass media


history of politicians

when humans created bigger groups
they also created politicians
to manage their collective decisions.

soon after politicians
started cheating and lying to humans
for their own gain.

to free themselves from politicians
humans adopted new methods
for collective decision making.

newly freed humans
united into a single humankind
and unlocked the next level of consciousness.

to ukranians and russians!

do not go to war!
do not let media and politicians tell you what to do!
you can simply ignore them!
you are better than war!
make cake instead!

ukraine vs russia

on 11 september 2001 i was in treviso
and i emailed everyone:
today people who want war won
and people who do not want war lost.

although i was in my early 20s
i was able to feel this
because i spent the previous decade
in constant war.

people around me
who did not have the same experiences as me
understood the language of my email
but did not feel it.

half a life later
media and politicians are
still peddling the same old war shit
but now i just feel lucky i will only watch it on youtube.

djokovic vs morrison

the creativity of
politicians and athletes
to sell meta ads
is more and more