
1253 free palestine and israel

free palestine and israel
from the bloodthirsty assholes
who jerk off
to having unlimited power
over lives of other humans

1162 the reason?

there is a reason
why we feel the pain
of every person we lost
every punch we gave
every insult we spoke
for our entire lives

1114 algorithms

it is possible
that all of the algorithms
that manage our lives
are based on something
very stupid – like abduction

1104 death as magic

one of the greatest
magical events in our lives
is when everything
an unimaginable nothing

1077 science vs religion

neither science nor religion
know everything
and what they know
is not directly useful
in our every day lives
so they should
take it a bit easier

1026 thank you soldiers

soldiers are
the biggest believers
in the better world
they risk their lives for it.

1014 superstition

the greatest superstition
is to believe that
idiotic ideas are somehow
magically and automatically eliminated
and that bad ideas
never ruin our short lives
and that we are completely
influenced by the best ideas

917 liking helps

when i like
student architectural drawings
on reddit
i am giving these students
a confidence boost
for the rest of their lives.

no matter how hard their life is
they will always remember
the success they had on reddit
to which i contributed.

911 your purpose

our individual purpose
is our collective purpose:
to develop consciousness.

to achieve this
we must first reach two goals:
immortality and equality.

consciousness can not develop
when we live short lives
in fear of each other.

902 how to be a hero

everyone wants to be a hero
in the epic story of our lives.

if you find the truth you can be a true hero.
if you believe the lies you can be a false hero.

but you can never be a hero if you listen to bullshit.
bullshit took heroism away from our lives.

harmless hypertension medicine saves lives

promoting harmless hypertension medicine
gives me an opportunity
to write a poem that
saves lives
and extends consciousness
for hundreds of millions of years

serbian lives matter

i just want to remind everyone
that just because i have serbian dna
it does not mean that i am
a stupid evil serial killer
ready to massacre
muslim and catholic children
even though BBC says i am

black lives matter mission

enter the twenty second century
with a guarantee that
government employees
will not choke people to death
for ten minutes
in broad daylight
in public places
at least.