
1301 art is hard!

one of the hardest moments
for every artist
is when they realize
that they are doing
exactly the same things
as someone thirty years ago.

artists who survive this moment
will live on forever,
but unfortunately many die here.

1280 signs of centralization

much less improvisation in music
languages designed by academics
less theaters, more cinemas
places of worship increasing in size
almost no local art, literary, poetry, philosophy
less participation in government
impossible to negotiate with or bribe police
powerful live far away
global brands gaining in everything
no local methods in solving problems
and many many more

1240 different life choices

i want twenty kids
i want one kid
i want a life partner without kids
i want a partner sometimes
i only want friends
i want to be alone
i do not want to live

1032 everything is a story

in a world
made of stories
the best way to live
is to tell
your own story

696 dior erl sweater embroidery

it seems racist that
when something needs to be expensive
it is done by hand by italians
when something needs to be cheap
it is done by hand by bangladeshi

maybe next time
dior can find a bangladeshi
who can do their expensive embroidery
and be friends with italians
and live happily ever after

green tea

i can eat
whatever trash i want
because i drink my
green tea
which destroys
all the bad stuff
and gives me a chance
to live forever
until i eat trash again
few hours later

art is best when

there is something
awesome about
saying something
to all the people who live
and will live

where will we live

we still have not decided
where we will live
after our kids leave us.
should we stay close to them?
should we live in a cabin in the woods?
should we live in the flat in which i grew up?
should we move around and explore?
should we live on a beach?
should we live in an italian village?
we have no idea.
email me suggestions.

women live longer

i think it is a good idea
that women live longer than us
because they have to bother
with our death
and not us with theirs


you can live with them
and you cant live without them
they are your best friend
and your worst enemy
and one day i will be a parent too
which is so scary
and so far away