
911 your purpose

our individual purpose
is our collective purpose:
to develop consciousness.

to achieve this
we must first reach two goals:
immortality and equality.

consciousness can not develop
when we live short lives
in fear of each other.


val asked me
to write a poem about the multiverse,
so here goes:

multiverse is a perfect example
how too much specialization
in a single communication format
creates a dogmatic tyranny
which misguides
the entire human race
from its true purpose
of immortality and equality.

the future of entertainment

will asked me
to write a poem about
how boring immortality could be
so here goes:

everything we do as mortals
is defined by our death
which interrupts
our every thought.

as people who die quickly
we are too stupid
to imagine
how much better is immortality.

the boredom we feel as mortals
is defined by
pathetic lack of meaning
of our mortal creations.

education and work are super fast
while entertainment sells us this nonsense,
and it is all meaningless and super boring
because we die before anything makes sense.

when we become immortal
we will think about everything
without the limitation of time
which will give us real meaning.

we will never be bored
because boredom is a lack of meaning.
it is impossible to have meaning
if we live less than a few hundred years.

immortals do not need
to watch netflix shows or play zelda
if they can take three thousand years to
reverse the dying of a black hole.

listen to rap

will asked me
to write a poem about
politics, current events, and futurism
so here goes:

rap music allows storytelling
which makes it an important step
towards a future in which
we are all immortal and equal

in this future we get the most
out of our consciousness
because we have all the time in the universe
without the distractions of inequality

eminem is an important step
because he helped make rap
the most popular music in the world
making all its messages available to everyone

kanye continued eminem’s work
making rappers
the most important fighters
for the future of humanity

eminem and kanye are helping
to make the future humans immortal and equal
because scientist dedicate their lives
to whatever is on mass media

only rap can make immortality and equality
more popular than mass media
and we can not do anything
without scientists

i love metal, rock, pop, classical,
and some country
but my bet is on rap
because of public enemy


for my whole life
i have been searching for a purpose.
i did not like any of the old ideas,
they seemed superficial and weak,
so i came up with ia48x.

ia48x is a future country
which includes everyone in the world,
in which everyone is equal,
and everyone works to reach immortality.

equality and immortality are
the only true goals we can have
and the only way for us
to fulfill our potential.

if you adopt ia48x as your purpose
you will help bring us all
closer to it.

visit for more.

morality simplified

mass media
