
1296 poems for friends

i write a poem for a friend
and someone else likes it
and i imagine
how that random person
is actually my friend
whom i did not meet yet

1283 12 years a slave

12 years a slave is
the most unrealistic movie ever
no one working on that movie
was able to imagine
how people actually behave
in such situations

1233 universe with kids

i imagine
another universe
in which my friends
who do not have kids
have kids
and are super happy.

this helps me cope
with sadness
that my friends
in this universe
do not have kids.

1222 find my secret book online

for many years i have been
writing a book in secret.
no one knows i wrote it.

i published it as a website
but i did not tell anyone where it is
and it is not linked from anywhere.

it is the most amazing book ever written.
when you read it you will change,
you will become something new.

it is up to you to find it.

if you can not find it,
just imagine that you read it,
that you experienced a deep change,
and that you felt truly liberated.

1191 universe is ours

when i look at the infinite void
of the universe
i do not feel small and meaningless.
i am not afraid of it.

i imagine how we will spread
to every part of it
and give it beauty and meaning.

1113 purpose of visualization

in the last
second of my life
i will imagine
a perfect future of my kids
so i die super happy

1053 sunday 12 march 2023

it is
sunday 12 march 2023
and i still can not imagine death

749 when i become famous

sometimes i imagine
how i am super famous
and i am on tv
and i speak the biggest truths
and everyone is amazed
and loves me
and is changed

737 imagining our evil

it is useful
to imagine all the evil stuff
we want to do
so we can understand
ourselves better.
dreaming of evil
does not mean we will do it.
we should not fear it.
it only means
that we did not process
that energy into something better.
obviously, do not do evil.
just imagine it.

703 hollywood v2

imagine hollywood
in which actors are replaced by writers
as the most important
and everyone cares about writing
and writers are paid millions
and actors are just someone
you forget

701 manufacturing

i am trying to avoid
socially and politically critical poems
but i just can not resist writing this one.

human race is able
to industrially manufacture anything
using factories and mass media.

we can manufacture any type of a person,
like an elite athlete or a murdering soldier,
but we are somehow running out of critical thinkers.

we could easily manufacture critical thinkers.
that knowledge exists for a century
and it is easier than manufacturing murdering soldiers.

but living on a planet full of critical thinkers
is to complex for us to imagine
so we are afraid of doing it.

but a planet full of stupid obedient people
appears safer and more comforting
no matter what kind of a mess they make.

the future of entertainment

will asked me
to write a poem about
how boring immortality could be
so here goes:

everything we do as mortals
is defined by our death
which interrupts
our every thought.

as people who die quickly
we are too stupid
to imagine
how much better is immortality.

the boredom we feel as mortals
is defined by
pathetic lack of meaning
of our mortal creations.

education and work are super fast
while entertainment sells us this nonsense,
and it is all meaningless and super boring
because we die before anything makes sense.

when we become immortal
we will think about everything
without the limitation of time
which will give us real meaning.

we will never be bored
because boredom is a lack of meaning.
it is impossible to have meaning
if we live less than a few hundred years.

immortals do not need
to watch netflix shows or play zelda
if they can take three thousand years to
reverse the dying of a black hole.

journalists love wars

i have spent dozens of hours
watching ukraine war reports
and i have not heard one single journalist
say anything against the war

they are all trying
to get me to be against one and for the other side –
both being useless abstract political narratives
in which real people are only numbers

the lack of essential human compassion in journalism
is the same since the gulf war
which is when i was first disgusted
by their love of war

just imagine
if all that journalism energy was directed towards
building a better world with cooperative innovation
instead of racism

toilet paper

whoever invented toilet paper is a genius
just imagine the world without it
there would be much more trees
and much less homosexuals