
1228 innovationism manifesto 1

we are made to innovate.

purpose of innovation is to
constantly change everything for everyone.

a single innovation is not a goal.
constant never ending innovation is the goal.

speed of innovation is important.

if innovation is fast we will not adapt.
if innovation is slow we will get stuck.

1197 the truth about politicians

when politicians argue
with each other
their only goal is
not to win an argument,
but to prolong the illusion
that we need them.

1156 thank you, artists

i want to thank
all the artist
who throughout the history
have tried to inspire us
to reach the mysterious goal
god has set for us.
thank you! you did your best!
it is not your fault
that we do not get it.

1035 i am not a poet

i am not a poet.
i do not know what is a poet.
poetry is not my goal.
poetry is just one of many tools
which help me reach my goal.

1031 the real challenge

the only way for openness
not to create tyranny
is to constantly
increase openness.

there is no end goal
in openness.
we always need
more openness.

1008 isolation is not luxury

i am confused
why in many cultures
isolation is sold as luxury.

since when it is a goal
to be as far away as possible
from other human beings?

when you get richer
you should be surrounded
by more people, not be alone.

946 understanding money

money is an invention
that facilitated
universal and unlimited
collaboration between
all people.

it is not a goal
but a tool for us
to work together.

909 the real goal of ai

the real goal of ai
is not to make
machines like us
but to make
us like machines

860 the goal of automation

the goal of all automation
is to allow development
of our consciousness.
it should not make us stupider
but smarter,
and by smarter i do not mean
better at paying bills.

money is not an ideology

i love money.
it is a great invention.
it is easy to carry and count.
much better than chickens, pigs, and rocks.

but it is not more than a tool.
some people get carried away
that it is an idea, a goal, a purpose,
but these people are idiots.

goal setting

in my last minute
of my life
i want to tell
the best joke ever
and make
everybody laugh