fuck you

1152 definition of poetry

poetry is
a constant rebellion
against the restriction
of language.

it is an everlasting
fuck you
to anyone saying:
this is how it must be.

1030 i will never

i will never join
your stupid
piece of shit cause.
fuck you!

742 nelson mandela

many do not realize
that nelson mandela is great
not for ending apartheid
but for ending apartheid

not being violent
was his ultimate fuck you
to the oppressors
who were to dumb
to understand his insult.

a poem by putin

this world offers nothing but fear!
i will die soon so i must do something now!
fuck you all!

fuck you BBC!

since 1990 until 2022
i have been listening to you
telling me how stupid and evil i am
and you never convinced me
nor anyone else who met me.
you did not win and you never will!
fuck you!