
898 evolution of freedom

long long time ago
freedom meant
ending slavery.

today, it means
you are free
to smoke and drink soda.

897 embrace your freedom

you are free to be stupid
you are free to be alone
you are free to kill yourself

881 more and more processes

our lives are controlled by processes
designed by people
who do not care about us.

education, credits, careers, real estate
are designed to increase numbers
and decrease consciousness.

severe punishments
for choices outside these processes
create future slave generations.

first step of the resistance
is to understand that the loss of freedom
is greater than the loss process benefits.

755 the freedom of poetry

writing poems
allows me to express
my smallest single isolated ideas
without the burden
of wrapping it up
in a bullshit narrative
or proving it with
bullshit imaginary experiences.

poems are
smallest indivisible particles
of conscious thought
made for sharing.

say no to artificial intelligence art

the moment when
artificial intelligence
makes art
that we like
is the moment
our freedom ended

artificial intelligence
will be better at
making art that we like
but art is not
supposed to be

art made by
artificial intelligence
will silence us
making us into
passive consumers
and we will
ask for more

the only way
to save ourselves
from this hell
is for each of us
to make art

русским борцам за свободу

не переставай бороться за свободу
никто другой не даст его вам
если вы остановите детей, ваши дети будут рабами
служение детям детей ваших угнетателей
лучше избавиться от этого дерьма сейчас
или тебе будет комфортно быть рабом
если ты выиграешь, тебя полюбят все в мире
если вы останетесь рабами, никто не будет заботиться о вас
удачи и иди делай беспорядок

serbian freedom fighters

we have been betrayed by the world!
we spent all our lives fighting for freedom
only to be labeled as the enemy we fought.
it makes us think
why the fuck should we bother
when some propagandist can erase
decades of our freedom fighting
with a 2 minute fake news report.
only logical conclusion is that the media
needs dictators
more than it needs freedom fighters.

misunderstood messages

michelangelo on freedom
vanessa on equality
marina on listening
lars on horror of existence
delphine on honesty
kanye on death
miltos on change
rafael on beauty
ryder on freedom now
hans on humanity

freedoms we must fight for

freedom to live forever
freedom to not be a citizen
freedom to belong to no nation
freedom to be a philosopher without knowing anything about philosophy
freedom to be important
freedom to have talent without talent
freedom to be accepted
freedom to be completely change everything about yourself every day
freedom to be the biggest asshole
freedom to be stupid and still be treated as smart
freedom to be valuable somehow

thank you to brave kazakhstani freedom fighters

thank you
brave kazakhstani freedom fighters
for lowering the price
of ethereum
so i can buy more
in hope
i do not die
as a poor ex-millionaire
like my father died
few months ago.

paradox 2

freedom fighters
who do not allow
free discussion

freedom is constant change

any system
which tries to guarantee quality
quickly becomes a form of
oppressive exclusion.

only way to be avoid this
and be truly free
is to accelerate the rate
of constant change.