
1251 eric schmidt does not care about ukraine

i honestly do not think
that people
like eric schmidt
care about ukraine.

these people always wanted
to make killer drones
or some other crazy scary
murder machine.

they just waited
for the right excuse
and media atmosphere
to express themselves.

1161 are you a good writer?

you are a good writer
only when you know
that you will never
fully express yourself
with words,
that no one will ever know
who you are
and that you will never know
who anyone is.

757 shutting people up

so many people
give up on saying what they think
because for them finding pretty words is too hard.

they are shamed
for being emotional and inarticulate
into being a voiceless.

this is one of the biggest tragedies
because their thoughts are not heard
by their family and friends.

we should work harder
on helping people to express themselves
in any way and style they can.

706 easiest way to help

if someone does not have the words
to explain their emotions
let them express themselves
any way they can
and give them time
to find their words

everyone is smart
but not everyone is eloquent

fluid gender identity

majority of
fluid gender identity changes
are about
who washes the dishes.

but if you own a dishwasher or you hire a maid
then you might need to use
extreme fashion and body modifications
to express yourself.