
1005 socialism and capitalism

capitalists accepted socialism.
socialists accepted capitalism.

so it is time to stop pretending
these two are exclusive
and start using them as they are:

only two of thousands
of specific solutions
each needed to solve
a specific problem.

reject idiotic divisive simplifications.
accept empowering complexity.

996 embrace complexity

you can hate and love
you can be smart and stupid
you can be evil and good
you can have fun and be bored
and everything in between
all of it together
at the same nanosecond
all the time.

do not simplify existence
just because language is limited.

954 complexity of language

every word
is spoked by one person
to at least three people:
one other person, themselves, the world.

every word
can have thousands of meaning
but always has at least four meanings:
what the speaker intended to say,
what the speaker revealed accidentally,
what the listener intended to hear,
what the listener revealed accidentally.

861 oscillating complexity

human kind
is constantly oscillating
between misery and greatness
making it impossible for me
to say if we are
unlocking the secrets of universe
or if we are
going towards certain doom

848 metamodernism on complexity

complexity of human society
is exponentially increasing
forcing old ideas to merge

839 instagram

the complexity of reality,
including society,
is impossible to show on instagram