
1306 genocide defined 2

genocide is a legal term
invented to maintain an illusion
that there is also a polite war
because many companies on nasdaq
make money only from this polite war.

when we eventually understand
that all war is genocide, not just some of it,
and that all war should be banned,
and all participants should be prosecuted,
these companies would stop existing.

PS I own boeing stock.

1265 the stock market

some of these
publicly traded companies
seem like
a psychopath made them
just to show
how stupid everyone is

1212 how to make the world better

do not let politicians tell you
what is good and bad.
do not let companies tell you
what is good and bad.
do not let media tell you
what is good and bad.
do not let books tell you
what is good and bad.

the only way to agree
with everyone else
is for everyone else
to follow their own wisdom
and all those individual wisdoms
will end up being the same.

trouble starts
when we try to convince others
to follow our wisdom.
there has never been proof
that this actually works.

772 sci-fi poem 2

skynet came back to our time
and understood
that it is more efficient to kill people
by slowly replacing human creative activities
with artificial intelligence
than directly fight them.

so skynet invested in film, media, art companies
rewarding artificial intelligence projects
and impoverishing non-automated creative workers
slowly replacing all human creativity
with fully automated content
turning all humans into stupid passive consumers.

the only remaining resistance were poets
who have hidden deep underground
to escape anti-poetry drone terminators
because skynet could never automate writing poetry
which would fool people into believing that it is real
because poetry is actually not so easy to create.

anti-science movement

there are companies
which know very well
how science works
but can not adapt
their business models
fast enough.

these companies
invest in anti-science propaganda
to influence the public opinion
to slow down science based regulation
so they can have more time to adapt
and not die.

these companies are fighting
to extend their lives
and anti-science promoters
are their cannon fodder.

it 2

what if it
was a metaphor
for fast food companies
giving our kids cancer
every 27 years