
959 simple history of big ideas

buddhism: try not to care
hedonism: let’s just have fun
stoicism: do what you can
christianity: say you are sorry, but mean it
capitalism: how much is it?
anarchism: don’t force me!
marxism: the boss should share more
nihilism: don’t waste time
modernism: everything is science
postmodernism: leave them alone!
metamodernism: all ideas are ok

let’s fix it

moving ideas away from each other make people stupid.
this is why i will try to
bring christianity, philosophy, and science
closer together in a single poem:
christianity, like any religion,
is our message to us
which represents eternal questions
which we must answer
so our consciousness mixes
with other consciousnesses in the universe
so together we outlive the universe.
we will reach heaven when
our consciousness wins over our impulses
and forgiveness is an exercise
in our path to heaven.
god is future us and
soul is our consciousness.
the main differences are mainly in terminology.
i hope this makes everything better now.

religious are stupid

christians, muslims, jews
are stupid
and they do not understand
anything about the religion.

abraham, jesus, and muhammad
are not a single person.
religion is not a fun story
with a punchline.

abraham is us.
jesus is us.
muhammad is us.
they are not something outside.

the awesome idea of christianity

an almighty god
just stood and watched
a bunch of idiots
torture and kill his only son.

his son was begging him for help
but he remained silent
so he could save the entire human race
including the idiots.

someone in a desert
thousands of years ago
came up with this story
and converted few billion people.

well done.