
1222 find my secret book online

for many years i have been
writing a book in secret.
no one knows i wrote it.

i published it as a website
but i did not tell anyone where it is
and it is not linked from anywhere.

it is the most amazing book ever written.
when you read it you will change,
you will become something new.

it is up to you to find it.

if you can not find it,
just imagine that you read it,
that you experienced a deep change,
and that you felt truly liberated.

1200 my future book

one day i will write a book
that will change literature.

i will reveal the end in the very start,
and the rest of it will be shit
but everyone will love it and hate it,
and it will be the most boring fun book ever.

advice to rafael

you are a
very smart
very hardworking
very talented
very dutch boy

this book shows
that very early
you have discovered
a working system

is it worth
your life
to this
or any system

or should you go
where no dutch boy
has gone before