a young person is young
because they hold the belief
that they will create the change
in the world
an old person is old
because they hold the belief
they they will create the change
in the world
a young person is young
because they hold the belief
that they will create the change
in the world
an old person is old
because they hold the belief
they they will create the change
in the world
israel vs palestine
is a result of a false belief
that people can be only one thing:
israeli jew or a palestinian muslim.
it is a belief that that we can not be
thousand things at the same time,
that israeli jewish palestinian muslim
is impossible.
as soon as we understand
that we are capable of being many things,
we will be free,
we will be superhuman.
mountains and stars
are there all the time
i am too lazy to notice
their movement
people keep
convincing me
they do move
ok, ill believe it
mountains and stars