
1040 feminism usefulness

it is possible
that masculine dominance
its depriving us of feminine wisdom
necessary for the growth
of our consciousness

977 be in control

we can only control
how we integrate
our consciousness
in individual and collective

everything else
is an illusion of control
which just makes a mess.

968 wisdom tutorial 5

ideologies and religions
allow us
to share perspectives
with billions of people
building our collective.

but they stop being useful
if they are monopolizing
our consciousness
by trying to be more than
just one of many perspectives.

951 self-enslavement

is reduction of consciousness
and amplification of intelligence

938 are you a slave?

if someone reduces
your consciousness
you are their slave

934 consciousness levels

list of consciousness levels
humans can reach
within a normal life time:

physical pain
overwhelming panic
constant trauma management
rejection of everything
robot behavior
pleasure chasing
efficient calculator
angry at the world
random realizations
aware of self
aware of all humans

911 your purpose

our individual purpose
is our collective purpose:
to develop consciousness.

to achieve this
we must first reach two goals:
immortality and equality.

consciousness can not develop
when we live short lives
in fear of each other.

894 entertainment is meaningless

stop looking
for meaning in entertainment.
it is made for relaxation and fun,
not for development of consciousness.

nothing made to make millions quickly
will help you reach nirvana.
finding meaning is difficult,
not relaxing and fun.

there is nothing wrong with this.
you should relax and have fun.
but do not forget to
also take time to grow.

just do not be that stupid
to believe in personal growth
from watching
jokes, explosions, and porn.

890 emotional manipulation is fear and death

we have reached the pinnacle
of emotional manipulation
and have completely neglected
developing our consciousness.

this is why we are not able
to become immortal and equal,
but we live in fear of each other,
and die young and weak.

881 more and more processes

our lives are controlled by processes
designed by people
who do not care about us.

education, credits, careers, real estate
are designed to increase numbers
and decrease consciousness.

severe punishments
for choices outside these processes
create future slave generations.

first step of the resistance
is to understand that the loss of freedom
is greater than the loss process benefits.

860 the goal of automation

the goal of all automation
is to allow development
of our consciousness.
it should not make us stupider
but smarter,
and by smarter i do not mean
better at paying bills.

852 developing consciousness 2

every time
you outsource thinking
you become stupider

851 developing consciousness 1

we should automate
boring physical activities
to have more time for
higher level thinking

we should not automate
higher level thinking
to have more time for
boring physical activities

830 expand your consciousness

there are no hardware upgrades
so start upgrading software
using words and images

728 the best way to be an artist

the best way to be an artist
is to make money
doing something which is not art
so when you make art
you are not influenced by the buyer.

one trick to escape being a bitch
is to be ironic about it
which is what artists tried to do
in the last hundred years
but then all your art is just irony.

another trick
is to simply become
an extremely evasive addict
and reduce your consciousness
to just wanting money.

717 children

being a parent is important
because it motivates you to
discover how to expand consciousness
and to teach them to do it
so they can be more expanded than you
which also expands you

710 i want to be a visual artist

i always wanted to be a visual artist
but i was never able to be one
because i have way to many ideas all the time.

i want to test all my ideas very quickly
so i can find the next one
as fast as possible.

visual art is very technical and slow to make
and i can not do my research into the unknown
as fast i want to.

poetry is still too slow
even though
i removed all the style and grammar requirements.

ideal art format for me
would be if someone
plugged in my consciousness directly.

everything else is just so frustrating
and so many amazing ideas are lost.
the need for speed is my technical limitation.

harmless hypertension medicine saves lives

promoting harmless hypertension medicine
gives me an opportunity
to write a poem that
saves lives
and extends consciousness
for hundreds of millions of years

tech art limitations

decades ago
i stopped making
fancy hyped latest tech art
and started making
ancient text tech art
because i wanted
to grow my consciousness
beyond the limitations of
fancy hyped latest tech
but within the limitations of
ancient text tech

rafael says

rafael said:
don’t look for meaning just look

i think that the meaning of this is:
freeing our consciousness
from the burden and distraction
of unrelated and forced thinking
will allow us to access
intuitive and universal
appreciation of beauty
which connects all conscious beings

what to do now?

human consciousness is unique
it reached a point where
it changes itself faster than evolution

history of politicians

when humans created bigger groups
they also created politicians
to manage their collective decisions.

soon after politicians
started cheating and lying to humans
for their own gain.

to free themselves from politicians
humans adopted new methods
for collective decision making.

newly freed humans
united into a single humankind
and unlocked the next level of consciousness.

consciousness explained

take a 10 minute drive
to a supermarket
and let your mind drift away.
one part of your mind
will continue driving
and the other will think
about the universe
or imagine crazy stuff
better than any movie ever made.

let’s fix it

moving ideas away from each other make people stupid.
this is why i will try to
bring christianity, philosophy, and science
closer together in a single poem:
christianity, like any religion,
is our message to us
which represents eternal questions
which we must answer
so our consciousness mixes
with other consciousnesses in the universe
so together we outlive the universe.
we will reach heaven when
our consciousness wins over our impulses
and forgiveness is an exercise
in our path to heaven.
god is future us and
soul is our consciousness.
the main differences are mainly in terminology.
i hope this makes everything better now.

smartest poem so far

are you ready?
here goes!

our consciousness is
not in our brains
but is accessed
by our brains.

everyone is religious
because our whole lives
we give gifts to gods
so they spare us
from death.

progress of humanity
is hijacked
by those
who fear the most.

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